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Activities :
Current affairs forum
It is imperative for a student to understand and know the environment in which he works through this forum. Students are informed about latest developments that take place in the world from time to time. Apart from this, the forum also lays stress on communication and presentation skills. Literacy and cultural academy

Besides the regular activities, it is essential to build up a creative and constructive mind in a positive way for a student’s holistic development. Other events organized by the college aims at encouraging students to bring out their best in intellectual capabilities and aesthetics.

Sports & Games
Sports and games are organized in the college campus for the purpose of developing athleticism and also to keep students healthy and in good spirits. For committed and talented performers our sports and games club provides specialized coaching and learning opportunities to attain full sports potential.

Social Service Scheme

The motto of Social Service Scheme is “NOT ME BUT YOU”. The main objective of this scheme is to arouse social consciousness among students and to provide them with opportunities to work for the under privileged and marginalized sections of our community and to impart awareness to concentrate on social issues. This would enable the students to develop personal goals and a commitment to the larger communities to which they belong.

Prayers and Holistic Development
Recognizing the value of prayer and meditation in the holistic development of the personality, due importance is given to yoga, methods of concentration and personal prayer.

Student Life
Even if studies come first in Regency Teachers Training College the students have a great student life on the college campus, most importantly will make friendships that will last a lifetime.

Alumni Association
The bond between student and Regency College continues even after the student passes out of the college. Job placement assistance, opportunities for continuing the education and activities are just some of the benefits available to the Regency Alumni.