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The College Union shall be called “The S.J. Mahavidyalaya College Union, Naugaonhat, Jagatsinghpur”.

The aims of the Union is to foster in students democratic spirit and to give young men & women an opportunity for democratic methods to encourage corporate academic life, unity, fellow feeling, understanding and team work and to inculcate in the youth fundamental values based on humanity and National Service.

It shall remain as the sole tribune of the students opinion inside the college.
Function : -
1. To organise discussions on the general, cultural, academic, national & international problems.
2. To organise debates.
3. To invite eminent persons to address the union.
4. To organise such other activities as proposed by union and approved by the principal.

Membership Eligibility:-

Each regular student of the degree classes of the college is a member of the union. He/She is eligible to participate in the election to caste vote & contest for the different offices of the union unless otherwise debarred. One whose name is not on the rolls of the college cannot be a member

. Members of the Staf f:-

The meeting of the union shall be open to all members of the staff who if they so desire can take part in the proceeding of the meeting except in voting.

Executive Committee :-

There shall be an Executive Committee of the college union consisting of:
1) President
2) Vice-President
3) Secretary
4) Asst. Secretary
5) One representative from each class (+3 Wing)
     Functions of the Executive Committee :-
a) To draw up the programme of the activities of the college union.
b) To adopt the union budget.
c) To undertake such other activities keeping the aims & objectives of the union in mind with the approval of the principal.
d) In inviting Guests to the Union, the majority decision of the Executive Committee including the concurring votes of
     Vice-President & Secretary for the inaugural function and concurring votes of Vice-President & Asst. Secretary for the Annual        Function is necessary. In case of any disagreement the decision of the Principal is final & obligatory.
e) Quorum for the meeting is 1/3 of the total membership.

The Advisor : -

There shall be an Advisor appointed by the Principal from among the members of the teaching staff. The advisor shall conduct the college union election. The advisor shall be present at the meeting of the Executive Committee and the ordinary meetings of the union. He may suggest whatever he thinks necessary for proper conduct of the meetings. The President may also refer to him any rule for interpretation & the interpretation of the advisor shall be deemed to be final.
The Advisor may at any time during a meeting at the request of the President explain the scope and the effect of the motion of amendment. The Advisor may, if he is unable to represent at a meeting request the Associate Advisor to take his place and the Associate Advisor shall discharge all the functions of the Advisor. The Advisor may preside over a meeting whenever he is specially requested by the President to do so. The Advisor of the College Union shall draw money and submit all the accounts to the Principal. The Secretary shall maintain the accounts of the Union when so desired by the Advisor.

The President:- There shall be President elected from among the students. He will preside over all ordinary meetings of the Union at which he is present. He shall be responsible for maintaining order and interpreting the rules. But when the Advisor will find that, the interpretation given by the President may divide the house on any ground and may deter the larger interest of the Institution he/she will give his own interpretation which will be deemed to be final. However the Principal is the highest appellate authority whose interpretation, ruling and decision will always be treated as final and obligatory with regard to the College Union.

The Vice-President:- There shall be a Vice-President elected from among the students of 1st or 2nd year degree Classes only. In absence of the President the Vice-President shall assume all his rights and discharge all his duties.

The General Secretary:- There shall be a General Secretary elected from among the degree Students. Any member of the Union can contest for the Secretary ship of the Union. The Secretary shall on the decision of the Executive Body give notice of all meetings and record the minutes whether ordinary or extraordinary thereof. All such notices issued by him should be countersigned by the Advisor and the Principal. He may propose the subject for the debates or discussion and place the Agenda in the executive body for discussion or take a decision in consultation with the President and the Advisor. The Secretary shall maintain all accounts of the Union when so desired by the Advisor.
The Assistant Secretary:- There shall be an Assistant Secretary elected from among the 1st and 2nd year Degree Students only. He shall assist the Secretary in discharge of his duties and in his absence shall perform all his functions.

The name of the Athletic Club shall be “The S.J. Mahavidyalaya Athletic Club”. The membership is opened to all the bonafide students of the College. The members of the staff and the Principal are the Ex-officio President of the Club. Each member shall pay Rs.30/- Annually as membership fee.

Athletic Council:- The Athletic Club maintains an executive committee known as the “Athletic Council” consisting of:
a) The Principal, Ex-officio President.
b) The Vice-President, nominated by the Principal from among the teaching staff.
c) Associate members, nominated by the Principal from among the teaching staff.
d) The P.E.T.
e) A Secretary to be elected from among the students.
f) An Assistant Secretary to be elected from among the students.
    Function of the Council:- a) To Prepare & Pass the Budget.
b) To promote athletic activities among the students.
c) To organize the annual Athletic Meet.
d) To organize any Inter College Athletic Meet/Tournament if approved by the Principal.
The Vice-President:-
a) The Vice-President shall remain in charge of the Accounts and Purchase of Sports materials.
b) He will act as the General Superintendent of all the games.
The Secretary :-
a) The Secretary will act as the convenor of meetings.
b) He will prepare the Annual Report.
c) He will act according to the suggestions and instructions of the Vice-President.
The P.E.T. :-
a) The P.E.T. will remain charge of all the Sports Materials.
b) He will look after the Play Ground.
c) He will perform all such duties as assigned by the Vice-President.
1. There shall be a Dramatic Society namely “S.J. Mahavidyalaya Dramatic Society”.
2. All students of Degree classes shall be the members of the society
3. Every student shall pay the society a subscription of Rs.30/- per year at the time he pays his first instalment of the College     Fees for the Session.
4. The Principal of the College shall be the Ex-officio President of the Dramatic Society.
5. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by an Executive Committee consisting of the following members.
a. President - Principal
b. Vice-President - Nominated by Principal from among the teaching staff.
c. Associate Members- Nominated by Principal from among the teaching staff.
d. Secretary and Asst. Secretary elected by the students.
e. One Class Representative from each class.
6. The Executive Committee performs the following functions.
a. To decide the play to be staged during the years and the time of staging.
b. To prepare and pass the budget for the year.
c. To sanction expenditure for the Drama or any other activity of the society.
d. To sanction funds for purpose of equipments.
e. To award prizes to the students.
f. To get the expenditure of the year audited.