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Youth Red Cross:
The youth red cross (Orissa) came into force w.e.f. 26.06.97 as per the Youth Red Cross (Odisha) Rules (1993) after receiving the assent of the President. Indian Red Cross Society, Orissa state branch is born on Jan. 14, 1994. It was started in all the Universities, Colleges (both +2 and +3), and Technical institutions. In our College it was started in the year 1997.

All the students (both boys& girls, are the members of YRC as they give Rs.5/- as annual membership fees. Out of them, only 50 students are selected as volunteers to do different activities abiding its principles, aims and objectives. Volunteers are selected in the month of September. The application forms are available with the dealing clerk of the college office.

(i) AIMS- The aims of the YRC are-
a. Promotion of Health & Hygiene.
b. Service to others.
c. World friendliness.

(ii) The Fundamental principles: - The YRC shall function on the following seven fundamental principles as adopted by International Red Cross movement. These are:-
1. Humanity
2. Impartiality
3. Neutrality
4. Independence
5. Voluntary service
6. Unity
7. Universality

(iii) Motto: To serve

(iv) Objectives: The objective of YRC (Orissa) shall be to train the Zealous Youth, in the fundamental principles of Red Cross, so that they may remain “ Imperturbable, Unwiring,
Unflattering” and develop in them the elements of “self service” when disaster strikes humanity.

Organisational Structure in our college
(College working committee)
Chairman : Principal
Secretary : YRC Counsellor
Member : Other YRC Counsellor or another Lecturer
Students member : One boy and one girl volunteer of the college.
The working committee shall prepare and approve the budget and supervise the implementation of the YRC activities from time to time.

The function of the Dist. Committee is to convene meeting preferably before Puja holidays and to decide to have different activities during the session, and to organise Dist. Level Camps and other intercollegiate programmes.